Atari Video Card

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    I was wondering if (as soon the final hardware will be ready) you can add a external video card for Atari XE Line of Computer in the Library.
    Please tell me exactly what functions need to be implemented for API, so I will include in my hardware drivers by default.

    Best Regards,


    Hello Gianluca!
    Can you please explain to me what you mean by “external video card”? I have never heard of such hardware…


    I am designing a videocard to use with Atari with my ABEX Extender
    At the moment I have two card already designed: a UnoCart Compatible and an expansion memory up to 1024K (can be more if needed). for the 1Meg Expansion (it uses the various pokey PORTB expansion bit tables) for the UnoCart compatible card.

    At the moment I am building a virtualization mode for atari800 emulator who is emulating the $D5xx access to have access to a videocard with some basic commands. The processor on the videocard is capable of 320×240@256 colors (palette) @ 50Hz. I was thinking (as the memory on board has 192k) having two framebuffers plus a 32 sprites 32×32 pixels (256 colors shared the palette with the screen). If the screen is not bitmapped, the tile mode can be used. Each tile has to be 80×60 pixels, and up to 16 tiles. In that case the tile can be transferred using 4.8k each, so with a very little cpu access to transfer 224 bytes every transfer. Maybe some scrolling can be made. At the beginning I was thinking to have a sort of V9958 emulation mode because it can have 192K as expansion, but I did not found any valuable example using that card on the 6502… So I opted to have a my personal implementation of the video card.
    The processor is a STM32F429I running at 180Mhz with FreeRTOS. Actually it can manage the PHI2, R/W, CCTL, DATA and ADDRESS Lines fairly easily in a task and a second task to manage video output.
    If you give me all details used in your library, I can optimize my code to fit the Unity Library… Maybe it can be done almost easily.

    My personal email is: icjtqr@gmail or (job)

    Please let me know,

    At the moment
    The biggest issue is the transfer of the video data (sprites, backgrounds) in a very small window (224 bytes each transfer).


    Just a quick note: is your project opensourced?
    In that case I can add the specific functions for Atari with my card and not using Player/Missile and ANTIC stuff to generate video output…



    Yes it is opensource, the repo is here:
    The installer contains these source files, related assets, and the cc65 compiler.

    Regarding your project, I would recommend that you create support directly into cc65. There is a driver system for memory expanders and such, check this out:

    There are few drivers for the Atari currently, compared with the c64:

    If you write these drives, then both cc65 and 8bit-Unity will be able to use them!


    Hi Gianluca
    i am interested in your video card….lmk when you
    have one for sale or when you need a tester
    greetings Walter

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