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  • #142

    Great idea!

    I must suppose you are using CC65 + the hardware abstraction layer you have created for 8bit-Slicks.

    Maybe you are aware of the fact that I have a similar project with about 200 different 8-bit targets

    where my goal is more on universal portable APIs and less on graphics, which in my case are very limited compared to what you can provide.

    I think I will use your work on my project and I invite you to do the same with mine.

    Please consider all other 8-bit systems, as well.
    For nearly all Z80-based targets you can rely on what Z88DK provides:
    – mono-sprites (that can be colored… somehow)
    – user-defined graphics

    You can easily create a “shim” to get maybe 40 or 50 Z80 targets with relatively little effort.

    For the remaining 6502 targets, be aware that some targets have TGI support including the C264 series, as well as Atari Lynx (which also has APIs for sprites).

    For Motorola 6809 based targets you do not have much but graphics is memory-mapped and easy to target on most of these systems.


    Thanks for checking-in Fabrizio, I heard of your project through RetroWiki.

    As you guessed, I am less focused on number of platforms at the moment, and more on developping a fully featured SDK containing bitmap+sprites+music+sfx+networking, though a very simplistic API and automation of asset convertion and disk packaging, allowing people to jump right-in.

    I saw your github account, and it will be a great source of inspiration when I move away from 6502 processors (my next target will probably be 6809).

    So yeah, let’s keep in touch and see if there are opportunities for collaboration in future, after all this is just for fun not for commercial gain. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by 8bit-Dude.


    I gave you a good hint with the “-Cl” (static locals) option but I may help you more if you let me see your code.
    By the way I am also writing a manual on how to code portable and optimal C code for vintage 8-bit systems.

    Ideally I would recommend that you make a public GitHub (or equivalent) page.

    Some portions of your code may even become part of CC65.


    Will you integrate some 6809 targets into your SDK? Which compiler will you be using?

    I am using CMOC but GCC6809 is also an option. I chose CMOC because it is maintained more than GCC6809 and its usage is straightforward.

    Including Z80 targets into your SDK should be very simple (at least for graphics and sounds).
    Have you looked at Z88DK graphics and sound APIs?
    Z88DK provides already everything to make univeral graphics and sounds on totally different systems (within the Z80 architecture).
    In my universal library I have written abstract APIs to cover all dev-kits. You can take a look at my code to get some ideas.



    Hi again,

    The code is already on GitHub. Besides this code, I have written a set of python scripts/utilities for asset convertion and packaging disks (the release installer will include cc65, Python, and a few other binaries).

    There is still a lot of C code that needs converting to S, like the sprite functions on Apple//. Anyway, please take a look and let me know what you think.


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